ISSN :3048-6726



Paper Submission Last Date
25th of Every Month


S.No Volume-1 Issue-2,August- 2024
Published By:United International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (UIJMR)
Page No.
1. Author: Lect. Najihan Mahmmed Taher,Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University / Najaf Technical Institute 1-14
Paper Title: Contributions of Sustainable Green Marketing to Evaluating the Environmental Performance of the Kufa Cement Factory
2. Authors: G.Vasudev 6-9
Paper Title: Intellligibility Of Good Speech in relation to Phonology and Phonetics
3. Authors: Papaparthi Madhu Babu,Assistant Professor of English, DVR &Dr HS MIC College of Technology,Kanchikacherla,Andhra Pradesh. 10-14
Paper Title: "Intonation as a representation of variations in pitch of the voice Modulation"
4. Authors: Chndra Prasad A, Assistant Professor of English, DVR &Dr HS MIC College of Technology,Kanchikacherla,Andhra Pradesh. 15-19
Paper Title: "Marine implications: The issues and strategies for the advancement of the world
5. Authors: Subhashan, Lecturer in Environmental Studies, Aditya Degree college, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. 20-24
Paper Title: The land resources: The application and erosion strategies
6. Authors: Mr.Umesh 25-28
Paper Title: Child Psychology, implications and role of parents in moulding the children in psychological aspects

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